"Just write it": easily generate portfolios, documentation, ...

Stone is a static website generator: it takes a template, a css stylesheet, the content itself written in a high-level formatting syntax, and generates the corresponding html pages.

However, Stone isn't a generalistic one: its goal is to provide a very easy way to generate simple websites like a portfolio, or the pages of documentation for a small project. That is quite limitated, but Stone tries to be good at what it aims.

First steps with Stone

So, let's generate our first Stone-based website!

First, install Stone:

opam install stone

The stone program should now be available. Type stone --help to have some explanations on how to use the binary. Let's start by generating a default website:

stone -i my-portfolio

This initializes a my-portfolio directory with a default project, which consists in:

You can now tweak the config.stone a bit, write things in pages, or just leave the default config. Finally, generate the html content:

stone my-portfolio

A new directory has appeared: site. It contains the html pages, generated by Stone from the markdown files. Any other file you put in pages that Stone does not know how to pre-process will be copied as-is in site. If you have a FTP access to a web server somewhere, just upload on it the contents of site. You can also directly browse its contents locally with your favorite browser.

How to go further